Tuesday, August 4, 2015

7 Fitness Tips for Busy Moms That Actually Work

If you are a busy mom and you’re trying to get back in shape, you might be looking for fitness tips that actually work. After diaper changing, broken sleep, meals cooked, and a day of housecleaning, exercise may be the last thing on your mind. However, you should prioritize your health. So take a look at some helpful fitness tips for super busy moms.

1. Family workout

If it’s difficult for you to find time for exercise, why not go for a family workout? Get ready for a hike together or go for a ride together. Find some wonderful sports to create awesome memories as a family together while you improve your health! Plus, this is one of the best ways to shape your kids healthily for the future.

2. Fitness time

If your children are at dance, don’t just sit in the waiting room, wasting your precious fitness time. Start exercising by getting outside for a run, bike ride, or roller blading! Or, simply go for a walk! When your kids are finished with dance lessons you’ll be complete knowing you used your time well by getting your exercise in.

3. Health snacks

Packing healthy snacks for you and your kids is one of the most important tips to follow. Sometimes we pack snacks only for kids and forget to pack some healthy snacks for yourself. Pack an apple, carrot sticks and even a Greek yogurt. When you take healthy snacks along with you, it’s much easier to stay on track!

4. Salads

Eliminate the guesswork at meal time by making your salads in advance. You can prepare a great variety of salads, simply change the core ingredients but don’t forget to include fruit, vegetables, nuts and some light dressing. A healthy salad is a good fuel for your fitness workouts and your busy life as a mother!

5. Tote along your tot

If you’re with your kid every day, tote along your tot for a wonderful exercise. Go for a good run with your kid strapped into a stroller and don’t forget to add in some resistance training of stroller squats and lunges!

6. Mall walking

Now, pack up your stroller and go to the mall for an excellent exercise! If you go to mall in the early hours you’ll have enough room to speed walk around because it won’t be so busy. This is a great way to burn those unwanted calories!

7. Find balance in your life

Finding balance in life is one of the biggest challenges for many moms. As a mom, you can easily get lost in all your everyday tasks just caring for your kids. Try to be more flexible with your schedule and squeeze in your workout when you can. I usually find it easier to exercise early in the morning since there are no excuses. I don’t think you have to do something at 5or 6 am in the morning, so it great time for you workout!
Even if you are a super busy mom, it’s still possible to exercise and eat healthy. Just try to follow these tips, which will help you be healthy, beautiful, fit and happy! Are you a busy mom? Do you have some fitness tips? Share them please.

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