Wednesday, August 5, 2015

10 Weight-Loss Snacks for the Perfect Body

If you’re on a diet, it can be tough to resist the urge to snack. Fortunately, there are some healthy foods you can munch on between meals that may actually help you lose weight. When choosing snacks, opt for ones that are packed with protein, fiber, and essential nutrients, which will help you satisfy your hunger, prevent overeating and keep you going all day long.

Many dieters often feel guilty about snacking, but there’s nothing wrong with that, because we tend to make bad food choices when we are hungry. Don’t starve yourself; here are ten weight-loss snacks that will help you drop those unwanted pounds and get that perfect body.

Weight-Loss Snacks for the Perfect Body

1. Nuts

Nuts are a wholesome, portable snack for dieters on the run. You can pack a handful in a baggie or reusable storage container and take the crunchy goodness wherever you go. From hazelnuts and cashews to almonds and pistachios, there are plenty of nutty options for you to choose from. Try eating nuts before a workout to really boost your energy level. Just always make sure you eat nuts in moderation.

2. Oatmeal

Oatmeal is not just for breakfast! You can eat a small cup of whole-grain oats any time of the day as a way of filling you up without filling you out.  Plus, the fiber will keep your digestive system running smoothly, which may reduce bloating.  Consider topping your oatmeal with a drizzle of natural honey or agave nectar for a guilt-free afternoon treat.

3. Eggs

 Just like oatmeal, you may typically think of eggs as a morning meal.  However, they can also be eaten as a snack to help you in your weight-loss efforts.  An egg usually clocks in at only 70 calories, which makes it the perfect way to pack some fat-burning protein into your diet.  Hard-boiled eggs are the go-to option for something quick and easy, but you could also make a mini omelet with a bit of lean turkey bacon.

4. Fresh fruit

The next time you find your stomach rumbling before mealtime, grab some fresh fruit.  Unlike tiny 100-calorie packs of chips or cookies, you can eat a large quantity of fruit for a low amount of calories.  Strawberries, apples and oranges are all voluminous choices that will tide you over until dinner.

5. Cheese

Cheese is another secret weapon you can use in your weight-loss battle.  Studies show that a diet focused on protein-packed foods like cheese may help you lose weight faster than a meal plan centered on carbohydrates.  A wedge or two of Swiss or Monterey Jack may be just what your body needs to stay on course.

6. Raw vegetables

Raw veggies are a terrific snack for those who crave crunchy munchies.  Instead of reaching for high-calorie potato chips with fat-laden dips, try dipping broccoli, carrot sticks and pepper strips into fresh salsa.  You’ll curb your craving for crunch without breaking the caloric bank.

7. Greek yogurt

People on diets often lament the loss of decadent treats like ice cream.  However, Greek yogurt is an indulgence even dieters can enjoy.  It’s loaded with protein to keep your metabolism revved up all day long.  Plus, the rich taste and silky texture make it a nice replacement for that creamy soft serve you might be missing.

8. Popcorn

You may not think of popcorn as a healthy food, but it’s actually a good snack for weight loss as long as you leave off all the added butter and salt. A cup of plain popcorn will only set you back about 30 calories. Try tossing your air-popped kernels with a dash or two of cayenne pepper for a burst of flavor and an extra metabolic boost.

9. Kale

If you can’t seem to find the energy to get through the day, you may have an iron deficiency. Kale is loaded with this essential nutrient and can help give you the energy you need to power through your daily workout.  Whip up a batch of baked kale chips or just enjoy a snack-sized salad with a tablespoon of low-calorie dressing.

10. Turkey jerky

Jerky is a food renowned since ancient Egypt. While beef jerky is a favorite food of most people, turkey jerky is a leaner alternative to the beef variety. The high-protein content and chewy texture will help you feel satiated after only a few small pieces. Keep a package of turkey jerky in your desk or tote bag and you’ll always have a nutritious snack within reach. You can also add it to your salad or make a turkey jerky sandwich.

When you go on a diet, it doesn’t mean you have to give up snacking. There are plenty of delicious foods that will tickle your taste buds without increasing your waistline. Give all of these weight-loss snacks a try as you work toward achieving the perfect body! What are your favorite weight-loss snacks?

7 Simple Tips for Lazy Dieters

Everyone knows the only real secret to successful weight loss is to make healthier food choices, watch your calorie consumption, and exercise regularly. Still it’s nice to know that there are also some sneaky, lazy ways to bolster your diet plan, without any effort at all. Read on for simple ways to increase your weight loss without breaking a sweat.

1. Step on the scale
Studies repeatedly show that people who weigh themselves every other day tend to weigh less than those who avoid the scale. The reason? Those who are conscious of their weight will be more apt to notice when it shifts up or down a pound, and get a hold of it before it increases any more. Hop on once a week for the best results.

2. Take your vitamins
Try to incorporate more fruits into your daily diet or see your doctor to find out if you need to take some vitamins. It only takes a second to pop open a bottle of multivitamins and swallow one down. And while we are normally opponents of taking pills to lose weight, there’s actually a very good reason to take a multivitamin every day. Restricting calories or eliminating certain foods can cause you to inadvertently become deficient in certain vitamins or minerals. Your body responds to this deficiency by making you crave certain foods, like sweets or salty junk food. Taking a vitamin can help prevent these diet-busting cravings.

3. Start the day with breakfast
There’s a reason it’s called the most important meal of the day. Skipping breakfast may make you think you’re cutting out extra calories, but nutritionists say regular breakfast eaters tend to weigh less and lose weight faster than those who bypass their morning meal. Plus, breakfast is a great place to sneak in protein and fiber-rich foods like oatmeal, flax seed, chia seeds, bran, and Greek yogurt.

4. Add a soup or a salad
When eating out, adding a soup or salad to your meal is a sneaky and delicious way to actually eat less and feel more satisfied. Broth-based soups and hearty salads contain lots of healthy fiber. That adds up to feeling fuller when your meal arrives, allowing you to fill up with less, and take some leftovers home for tomorrow. Just avoid creamy soups like baked potato or clam chowder, and order your dressing on the side.

5. Reach for a smaller plate
It’s easy to overload your plate with a much larger portion than you actually need. And once you’ve served yourself, it’s even easier to gobble it all down before you know it. Switch out your dinner plate for a salad or bread plate, and set your fork down between bites. This will force you to eat more slowly, giving your stomach time to let your brain know it’s full. You can always go for seconds – just make sure you’re actually still hungry first.

6. Drink water before you eat
Like ordering a soup or a salad with your meal, having a tall glass of ice water before you eat will help you feel fuller before you serve yourself. As an added bonus, drinking water before every meal will help you reach your goal of 8-10 glasses a day.

7. Pick convenient produce
When you’re tired and hungry, you’re much more likely to nab something convenient than something that takes a lot of work. Prewashed herbs, bagged greens, and peeled and diced vegetables may cost a little more, but knowing that they are ready to go makes them a lot more appealing at meal and snack time.

Sticking to a diet isn’t easy, yet you can shed some pounds without any special efforts. Sure, you won’t become slim by just following these seven tips – you should exercise regularly and get enough sleep as well. What are your lazy ways to lose weight?

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

9 Tried and True Ways to Save Money for Traveling

Nowadays travel excuses are everywhere. The most common excuses for not traveling are ‘I can’t afford it’ and ‘I don’t have time.’ But traveling is one of the most wonderful and memorable experiences you have in your life time. You can afford to travel, you just need to find some ways to save money for it. Check out my list of tried and true ways to save money for traveling.

1. Stop shopping
Every woman loves shopping and it’s so difficult to quit shopping! But if you want to relax on the pristine sandy beach or walk the ancient streets of European countries, you should save money. While shopping is amazing, it will not get you to your desired destination any sooner. So hold back and don’t buy that beautiful dress, it will be there later and even on sale when you return from your trip!
2. Cancel your gym membership
I know, paying for a gym membership makes it much easier to motivate yourself to exercise, but canceling it is one of the best ways to save money for traveling. After all, gym membership can cost from $25 to $100 a month and it’s pricey! Exercising is something that doesn’t require a specific place or much equipment. Working out in the house or running in the neighborhood is a great option!
3. Go to the library
If you like reading and you buy a lot of books every month, stop buying them and start borrowing! Visit your local library and you will find many interesting books! I have a huge stack of books and I prefer to buy the books. I’m not against libraries but owning and borrowing are two absolutely different things. However, when I want to go somewhere, I save money on books by going to the library!
4. Save on your morning coffee
When I go to work early in the morning, I always drink my Caramel Macchiato from Starbucks. I like it, but the only problem is that it costs me $4.79. It may not seem like a big deal, but it can really add up over time. $4.97, 5 days a week is $24.85, for a month it’s about $100 and for a year it’s around $1,200! That’s why I start saving on my morning coffee and advise you to do the same!
5. Bring your own lunch
Plan your own lunch and take it to work with you. It will save you a lot of money as well as all those unwanted calories. Perhaps the best thing about bringing your lunch to work is that you decide what you want to eat. This means that you will eat healthier and save money for traveling! I always take some healthy and tasty salad or some fruits to work for lunch.
6. Do your own nails
Every woman likes to get her nails done. Getting your nails done is amazing, but it can be a little pricey, especially if you go every week. If you like traveling, but don’t have money, start doing your own nails! I know it sounds strange, but it will actually help to save some money.
7. Watch good old movies
Stop renting a movie and watching all those TV shows or movies on Netflix, because all these things cost you tons of money. If you have a large stack of good movies, why not watch them? Sure, they are old, but free and favorites. Save a few dollars and re-watch all those movies.
8. Get a part-time job
If you don’t want to watch all those old movies and you have plenty of free time in the evening, then take a part-time job. You won’t be bored and earn some extra money. If you calculate right, it will cut your waiting time to travel in third! You can even try to turn your hobby into a home business! Excellent!
9. Opt for rewards credit cards
To tell the truth, I don’t like recommend credit cards, but rewards credit cards could come in handy when traveling. There are even some travel rewards credit cards for rewards bonus. It will redeem miles for airline tickets, car rentals and hotels. Apply for a credit card and use it for a few months while traveling, but don’t forget to pay it off each month.
There are numerous ways to save money for traveling. You just need to find the best one that you can stick. Have you tried any of these ways to save money for traveling? Do you have any other tips? Please share them!

8 Daily Habits of Ultra-Productive People

Have you ever wondered how successful people stay highly productive day after day? The secret of their productivity isn’t actually a secret. They simply know how to manage themselves and when to say no. Ultra-productive people don’t necessarily work longer and they’re not complete workaholics. They simply work a bit smarter than other people. If you feel stuck in your busy schedules, it’s time to make changes, improve your work rut and boost your career. No matter what obstacles block your career path, you have enough power to overcome them. Here are 8 daily habits of ultra-productive people that you can develop today.

1. They do the hardest tasks first

Procrastination is the biggest problem of most people. We often don’t feel like doing the difficult tasks and trick ourselves into thinking that we’ll accomplish them after lunch. The truth is, the most difficult tasks are never accomplished in the second part of the working day. Ultra-productive people know it so they always start their working days with the hardest projects. It’s a lot easier to accomplish easy tasks (or those that inspire you to work hard) at the end of the day.

2. They never overthink their projects and mistakes

Ultra-productive people don’t have time for overthinking. They make mistakes, learn from them and forget about them. They accomplish their tasks and projects and forget about them. They always try to solve their problems the moment they appear. Moreover, they never save phone calls and emails to deal with later. This habit is hard to master but it’s worth the effort.

3. They often say no

Ultra-productive people are not afraid to say no to the tasks and projects that they don’t like or want to accomplish. They often say no to people who ask them for help. It’s not selfish. though. The art of saying no is great and useful. First, because it helps people to do their work on time. Second, because they have more time to relax and do their household chores. Remember, you don’t have to do someone’s tasks regardless of the situation, especially if you have many stuff to tackle.

4. They never multitask

Multitasking is a good thing at times, but it doesn’t help you stay productive during the day. Multitasking is actually a huge productivity killer. When you do one task at a time, you accomplish more than when you are trying to do a few tasks at once. Even if you manage to accomplish those tasks, the quality of your work may be worse. Ultra-productive people strive for better work, which is why they tend to focus on one project at a time.

5. They end their working day by preparing for the next

After a hard working day the last thing we want to think about is the next working day. However, when you plan your next day before you leave the office, you start the next day doing the most difficult tasks, and don’t spend your precious minutes making a to-do list in the morning. Ultra-productive people always end their working day with a to-do list for tomorrow.

6. They prioritize their tasks

When making their to-do lists, successful and productive people prioritize their tasks. They do the most difficult tasks first, then accomplish the most important ones, and if they have some time before the end of the working day, they try to get the less important tasks done. This way, they work productively without exhausting themselves. As I mentioned, you don’t have to work hard to get things done – you simply need to learn how to work a bit smarter.

7. They stick to their schedules

While it’s not always possible to stick to a schedule, you should do it most of the time in order to be more productive. If you hold a business meeting, make sure you keep it short. It’s difficult to stay focused when the meeting is very long and boring. Avoid discussing other topics, prepare an agenda in advance, set a time limit and stick to it. This is how ultra-productive people run their productive business meetings. In case you have any other topics to discuss, do it at the end of the meeting.

8. They delegate

We are not superhumans. Sometimes even highly productive people can be overloaded with tasks. Delegating is an effective way to get everything done on time. If you know that you can delegate some of your tasks to other workers, do it, but only when you really need it. Avoid delegating all the time, or you will end up being highly unproductive worker.
Every day can be a productive day, if you really want it. Reconsider your daily habits – get rid of those that prevent you from being efficient during the day and adopt those that will make you more productive and successful. I hope these small productivity tips will help you boost your career and improve your overall life. Are you going to adopt any of these habits?

6 Tips on Applying to Pharmacy School

Applying to professional school can be a stressful time for anybody. Getting together applications, taking the required tests, and traveling to schools for interviews load on a series of important tasks. However, at the end of the four-year program, students will have earned their Doctorate of Pharmacy and can be fully licensed. This set of tips will help students looking to apply to pharmacy school by easing any sense of stress and helping students appear their best.

1. Complete the necessary applications and prerequisites as early as possible

Many pharmacy schools participate in rolling admissions. This process means that programs start accepting students within the application period and continue as more applications are received. The earlier a student applies ensures that the application gets reviewed multiple times in the context of other students’ applications. Furthermore, students that have completed all of their prerequisites, or already have their bachelor’s degree, are often viewed more favorably in the admissions process because they are more likely to be viable candidates for matriculation.

2. Sign up for the PCAT early in order to avoid late fees

PCAT is the required pharmacy admissions test of many U.S. pharmacy schools. The test is usually administered in September, January, and July. Thus, it is imperative that students plan accordingly in order to allow for test results to be sent to their respective schools. Additionally, administering dates are limited and popular days of the week fill up fast at testing sites. Be proactive in looking up dates and attempt to sign up as early as possible. The late fees associated with not signing up on time are significantly large.

3. Don’t stress over interviews

The interview portion of the application is simply required to make sure the student is just as interested in the particular program as the school is interested in the student. Most pharmacy schools manipulate their interviews into full days that include information sessions and campus tours. The school wants you to feel warm and invited at the school while learning more about their program. Often, the interviews consist of a staff/faculty panel with the occasional student interviewer. The interviews generally aim to see how the student communicates and if they do so clearly. Furthermore, the interviewers want to get to know who you are and see how you represent yourself when not using a paper application.

4. Dress and act appropriately

If you are invited for an interview day, dress and act appropriately. Students are being interviewed for a professional school and should thus dress professionally. Suits or dress suits are the necessary uniform for these types of settings. Additionally, students are expected to act professionally. Addressing the faculty using their appropriate titles goes a long way. General courtesies such as saying thank you and holding the door open for others may give just the right impression to the admissions committee that will be evaluating your application later that week.

5. Get to know the program before arriving on campus

While learning about the program and the services they offer helps answer questions asked by the staff about why you want to attend, it also sets up the student to come prepared with questions. Getting to know the program is a large part of the day. Coming prepared with questions allows the student to get the most of the information sessions and campus tour by not having to continuously think on their feet.

6. Set yourself up for success

Finally, setting yourself up for success will be the best way to prepare for the application process. This process means participating in extracurricular activities that yield leadership service and community involvement. These activities could be as simple as creating your own student organization or organizing a community 5K one weekend. Furthermore, previous pharmacy experience goes a long way in convincing the admissions committee that you want to become a pharmacist. The experience shows the school that the student has seriously considered the profession and will be more likely to matriculate into their particular program.

Using these tips should significantly ease the admissions process. Ultimately, help yourself by getting ahead of the ball. Complete the PCAT, your applications, and your prerequisites early in order to be the most viable candidate.

8 Important Actions That Will Make You More Successful

Each day I see more and more chronically unproductive, unsuccessful and unhappy people and wonder why they choose to be miserable when they can take a few actions to become more successful. You will never know the true joy of happiness and success if you don’t admit that you chose the wrong path in life. There are many successful people who consider themselves unhappy and unsuccessful because they are not grateful for what they already have and they are stuck in their own negative thoughts, which prevent them from reaching their full potential. Stop living in misery, here are 8 important actions you can take today that will make you more successful.

1. Love your job

Successful people always do what they love and this actually makes them so happy and successful. Spending 8 (or more) hours at work you don’t like is one of the worst things you can do in life. When you love your job, you are more productive and eager to reach success. Never stop looking for your favorite job and you will definitely find it.

2. Cultivate your creativity

Just don’t tell me that you are not creative. I believe every person in the world is creative, but the problem is that most of us don’t explore and cultivate that creativity. If you have any creative ideas, share them with your coworkers or boss. Even if they don’t love your ideas, don’t give up. Learn how to think outside the box, cultivate your creativity daily, train your brain and be open to new ideas. It’s one of the most important actions that will make you more successful.

3. Focus on one goal at a time

Multitasking is a common thing these days. Whether it’s good or bad, but it will get you nowhere. Trying to reach a few goals or accomplishing a few tasks at once will never make you successful. You will end up feeling overwhelmed, exhausted, and stressed out. When you have a huge to-do list, take a deep breath to calm down (when I see a long list of tasks I should accomplish, the first thing I usually feel is panic), prioritize your tasks and focus on accomplishing one task at a time. This will help you stay productive, avoid stress and meet all your deadlines.

4. Believe in yourself

No matter what you do, believe in yourself. If you made a mistake, admit it, learn from it and move on. Don’t dwell on your past mistakes. Believe that you will be successful, happy and healthy. Believe that you can make your dreams come true. Faith is a crucial part of life, remember it.

5. Ignore negative criticism

There’s a huge difference between negative criticism and constructive criticism. When you see that people give negative and rude criticism that has no sense at all, ignore it. We can’t avoid toxic people in the workplace, but we can ignore their rude comments. Don’t let people’s negative criticism affect your mood, productivity and success.

6. Never stop learning

The majority of people stop learning once they graduate from college or university. Highly successful people never stop learning, no matter the age. You may know a lot of useful things and have fantastic abilities, but they won’t make you more successful. Don’t be afraid to try new things and take new responsibilities. Read books and share your knowledge with others.

7. Don’t lie

If you don’t have fantastic computer skills, let your potential employer know about it. If you can’t accomplish a project, let your manager or boss know about it. Be honest and ask for help when you really need it. It’s impossible to know everything in life, so it’s okay when someone helps you. Successful people can’t do many things, they admit it and their honesty help them reach the true joy of success.

8. Take care of your health

Wealth is nothing without health. When you have numerous health issues, it’s hard to enjoy your success. You should never forget to take care of your health. Eat healthy, exercise regularly, get enough sleep and stay hydrated to be more productive and have more energy to accomplish any project and achieve any goal.
I hope these tiny pieces of advice inspired you to take some actions to improve your life and reach the true joy of success. Stay motivated and productive during the day, learn and try new things, believe in yourself and you will never feel unhappy again. What actions are you going to take to become more successful?

7 Signs You’re Sabotaging Your Career

Family is an integral part of each person’s life, but we pay too much attention to our jobs so we can consider career to be an integral part of life as well. They say, only selfish people worry about career, but in fact, many of us are trying to make a career as we need money to live a more fulfilling life. It’s not all about money, though. When you hate your job, you are not happy for that paycheck. Even if you love what you do, sometimes it seems impossible to get a promotion or a raise. Why? Here’s how you are sabotaging your career:

1. Perfectionism

Striving for perfection is one of the worst habits that can ruin your whole life. No matter how hard you work, you will never do your job perfectly. There’s always a room for mistakes. Perfectionists are ready to die rather than make a mistake, and it’s actually a surefire way to make your life more fearful, stressful and miserable. Don’t be afraid to admit your mistakes – those mistakes make you wiser, smarter and stronger. Moreover, stop setting the high standards and striving to be perfect. This way, you will boost your career and improve your love life as well.

2. Stop learning

You graduated from the university and you’re probably sick and tired of reading and studying, but a succesful life is all about improving your knowledge and develop yourself. Don’t expect your boss to promote your professional development. It may be their obligation, but bosses are different so your employer may not even think about you, especially if you work for a big company. Consider improving your professional skills on a daily basis – the more you read, the better. You can also take some free courses or visit a few seminars.

3. Weak willpower

No one is able to reach career goals if they are not assertive and have no willpower. If your boss gives you a difficult project, it doesn’t mean they hate you. This means they believe in you and your skills and they know you will do your job well. If you can’t accomplish the task, let your boss know. Although they’ll probably won’t be happy to hear that, they’ll understand you and your situation. If you are afraid to fail the project, though, saying ‘no’ to your boss is a bad idea.

4. Working too much

Yup, ladies, working too much is not always good. Not only will you have a number of serious issues in a few years, you will also break your productivity, fail at time management and ruin your career. Hard-working people often sabotage their careers without realizing it, thus they end up feeling miserable and lonely. Work hard but don’t overwork – this is the main rule to keep in mind when you want to get promoted.

5. Saying ‘yes’

Your coworker has an urgent family problem to solve and asks you to accomplish some tasks. You have your own to-do list full of important tasks but you can’t say ‘no’ so you say ‘yes’ and end up working all night long doing the job for two. What’s the point? Well, I know, the art of being selfish is hard to master, but it will help you achieve your career goals without sacrificing your time and health.

6. The wrong career path

It’s hard to know if your career path is right or wrong, especially now when people are so obsessed with money that they are ready to do whatever job needed to be done in order to make more cash. True happiness doesn’t lie in money. If you make a lot of money by doing the job you hate, your chances of becoming happy are very low. If you feel like you chose the wrong career path, it’s not too late to change it.

7. Stressful life

Stress doesn’t sound like a big danger to us these days. Most hard-working people don’t know how to relax properly and they often have poor physical and mental health. As you know, money doesn’t buy health. Consider your lifestyle and think of all the possible ways to eliminate stress from your life. Learn how to cope with your emotions, negative feedback, toxic people and the most difficult life issues. Positivity can help you boost your career, while negativity can completely ruin it.
I learned the hard way about choosing the right career path and developing the right career habits. If you don’t find your job rewarding and meaningful, it’s better to leave it and find something you are passionate about. Hopefully, these little signs and tips helped you to think over your career path and your career goals, and now you know what you want to do. Are you sabotaging your career? How?

10 Natural Summer Remedies for Your Straight or Curly Hair

Summer hair represents your personality. You may not think it’s easy to keep your hair cute, but it can be! Here are a few summer remedies for straight and curly hair:

5 Remedies for Straight Hair

1. Put Your Hair on a Diet

Since hair is made out of protein, eating protein rich foods such as meat, fish, and dairy products is essential for healthy hair. It is also helpful to apply organic butter or coconut oil to the hair to give it the extra nutrition and shine that it needs.

2. Use Eggs on Your Hair

Eggs contain protein and nutrients that can help you maintain your straight hair. Try mixing your eggs with milk and applying it to your hair for a straight and glossy look. This remedy can be applied every week or once a month.

3. Mayo Remedy

Mayonnaise can help the hair look shiny. Apply it once a month to keep your hair shiny, strong, and smooth. Olive oil shampoo with lemon juice makes this remedy even more effective.

4. Give Your Hair a Cup of Hot Tea

Tea can be effective and helpful to the body and the hair. Try soaking your hair in a big bowl filled with concentrated hot tea for 5 minutes. Rinse your hair with cold water. This hot tea remedy can really help you improve the health and vitality of your hair. Hot tea is the perfect solution for dry hair in the heat of the summer.

5. Give Your Hair a Bottle of Beer

Beer is rich in properties that can help you strengthen the protein bonds of your hair. Pour a bottle of beer into frying pan heated on medium. Wait until the beer becomes thick like syrup. Wash hair with this beer shampoo and its protein will make your hair strong and beautiful.

5 Remedies for Curly Hair

1. Don’t Dry Out Your Hair

Try incorporating a healthy remedy to tight curls: add 1 tablespoon of sea salt to water and then add 10 drops of lavender oil. This makes healthy rinse for curly hair.

2. Moisturize, Moisturize, Moisturize

Summer curly hair care should be sealed with moisture all the time. Apply leave-on conditioners. The best leave-ins are eggs, mayo, and other protein rich products. Protein helps you smooth your hair out naturally.

3. Protect Your Hair

When you’re on the beach, try using a swim cap for the ultimate hair protection. Protect your hair from dryness by using an Apple Cider Vinegar rinse before you wash with shampoo and conditioner that is specially formulated for your curly hair type.

4. Fight Dryness and Tangles

Excessive shampoo sessions may dry out hair with tight curls. Try using yogurt as a deep conditioner before you shampoo and condition. Wash your hair in 4 sections to avoid tangling.

5. Butter Up Your Hair

Try using natural products in your tight curls. One favorite remedy is Shea Butter and Vitamin E Oil. These ingredients can help you replenish the natural oils you may have lost in the summer sun.
Keeping your hair soft and healthy can be a challenge during the summer months. When you apply the right ingredients, however, it’s not too difficult. Whether your hair is straight or kinky curly, you can count on being beautiful all summer long.

Why You Shouldn’t Be Ashamed of Your Eating Habits

Having eating habits that no one supports is tricky. You always have to explain why you eat whole foods and avoid meat, for example. I’m often judged by other people who believe vegetarians are crazy and sick, but this never makes me feel ashamed of my meal patterns and eating habits. I march to my own beat and don’t feel the need to stick to the same eating plans most people have. No matter what your eating habits, there are always others out there that can judge you and try to change you. Don’t let them do it. Be proud of your eating habits, unless they are not the bad ones. Whether you are a vegetarian or a fast food hater, here’s why you shouldn’t be shamed of your healthy eating habits:

1. Go vegan? Be proud of yourself!

Just because you strive to save animals’ lives doesn’t mean something’s wrong with your mind. Vegetarians are not crazy, as many people think. I remember the first time I said out loud that I’d never eat meat again. My parents and friends were shocked and couldn’t understand my decision. If you are a vegetarian, you know what I’m talking about. It was hard for me to stick to my vegan diet while others enjoyed juicy grilled meat. It’s not because I craved meat, it’s because I felt awkward and a bit ashamed of my eating plan. Though, I didn’t give up and now I’m proud of being a vegetarian. Some of my friends are trying to go vegan too, and my parents don’t moan about my “unhealthy” (as they think) eating habits anymore. You don’t need to prove anything to anyone. Just being proud of your meal plan is enough to show others that you eat what you really want.

2. Can’t imagine your day without processed foods? No worries, you don’t wreck your health

Well, of course, if you consume processed foods in moderation. When eaten in excess, processed foods are seriously harmful. I have always believed we can eat whatever we want but in small portions. It’s okay to consume processed foods with whole ones – just look for processed foods that are made from whole foods to reduce your risk of disease. Some of the healthiest processed foods are organic, plain Greek yogurt, raw nut butters, unsweetened coconut and almond milks, cocoa powder, organic coffee, flax meal, and organic salsa.

3. Are you a smoothie junkie? Enjoy a fantastic health!

Smoothies… It seems people have become obsessed with this type of drink. If you are a healthy smoothie lover, congrats, guys, you have a better chance of living a healthier and longer life. Why are smoothies so popular these days? I receive many messages and emails every day that contain a similar question. I can proudly say that I’m a smoothie junkie and I do like to recommend people to include both fruit and green smoothies in their daily eating plans.
Smoothies are fortified with vitamins, minerals and powerful antioxidants that help you stay healthy day by day. They are good for everyone – for those who are trying to put on weight and those who want to shed some pounds. Starting day with a green smoothie is an instant way to boost your energy, speed up your metabolism, detoxify your body and kick-start your brain. The benefits of consuming smoothies are endless. Give them a try and you’ll feel all of those benefits. If you are already a huge smoothie lover, don’t break this habit and don’t feel ashamed of being a little bit obsessed with smoothies. I can’t stop experimenting with new smoothie recipes and I don’t care when others say I need to stop following any smoothie trends.

4. Stick to your own diet plan? You don’t know how lucky you are

Why? Because it’s much easier to create your own diet plan and stick to it on a daily basis. You know what you need and want to eat, you know when you can enjoy that delis dessert and when you should skip fast food. You know what foods helps keep your energy levels high during the day. You know what bedtime snack to have in order to sleep better. There’s nothing to be ashamed of. It’s so wonderful when you know what you should eat to feel and look healthy without turning to any supplements and medications.
Although healthy eating is the key to a longer and healthier life, make sure you are not obsessed with it. Nowadays more and more people, particularly young ladies, suffer from orthorexia – an obsession with healthy food. Anorexia is another dangerous eating disorder that affects both emotional and physical health. If you are sure you don’t have any eating disorders, be proud of your healthy eating habits. Have you ever felt ashamed of your meal plan? Let me know about your favorite healthy meals in the comments section.

7 Fitness Tips for Busy Moms That Actually Work

If you are a busy mom and you’re trying to get back in shape, you might be looking for fitness tips that actually work. After diaper changing, broken sleep, meals cooked, and a day of housecleaning, exercise may be the last thing on your mind. However, you should prioritize your health. So take a look at some helpful fitness tips for super busy moms.

1. Family workout

If it’s difficult for you to find time for exercise, why not go for a family workout? Get ready for a hike together or go for a ride together. Find some wonderful sports to create awesome memories as a family together while you improve your health! Plus, this is one of the best ways to shape your kids healthily for the future.

2. Fitness time

If your children are at dance, don’t just sit in the waiting room, wasting your precious fitness time. Start exercising by getting outside for a run, bike ride, or roller blading! Or, simply go for a walk! When your kids are finished with dance lessons you’ll be complete knowing you used your time well by getting your exercise in.

3. Health snacks

Packing healthy snacks for you and your kids is one of the most important tips to follow. Sometimes we pack snacks only for kids and forget to pack some healthy snacks for yourself. Pack an apple, carrot sticks and even a Greek yogurt. When you take healthy snacks along with you, it’s much easier to stay on track!

4. Salads

Eliminate the guesswork at meal time by making your salads in advance. You can prepare a great variety of salads, simply change the core ingredients but don’t forget to include fruit, vegetables, nuts and some light dressing. A healthy salad is a good fuel for your fitness workouts and your busy life as a mother!

5. Tote along your tot

If you’re with your kid every day, tote along your tot for a wonderful exercise. Go for a good run with your kid strapped into a stroller and don’t forget to add in some resistance training of stroller squats and lunges!

6. Mall walking

Now, pack up your stroller and go to the mall for an excellent exercise! If you go to mall in the early hours you’ll have enough room to speed walk around because it won’t be so busy. This is a great way to burn those unwanted calories!

7. Find balance in your life

Finding balance in life is one of the biggest challenges for many moms. As a mom, you can easily get lost in all your everyday tasks just caring for your kids. Try to be more flexible with your schedule and squeeze in your workout when you can. I usually find it easier to exercise early in the morning since there are no excuses. I don’t think you have to do something at 5or 6 am in the morning, so it great time for you workout!
Even if you are a super busy mom, it’s still possible to exercise and eat healthy. Just try to follow these tips, which will help you be healthy, beautiful, fit and happy! Are you a busy mom? Do you have some fitness tips? Share them please.

7 Wonderful Reasons to Fall in Love with Fitness Classes

Have you ever wondered what the reasons to like fitness classes are? In fact, there are a lot of great reasons to fall in love with fitness classes. Even though it’s such a pain going to the gym, knowing that you are going to have a thoughtless workout because someone else is instructing you, and listen to some amazing music, makes it absolutely painless. I love fitness classes because they’re filled with other people who can help to motivate me. Check out a few wonderful reasons to fall in love with fitness classes.

1. Toning your whole body

When you exercise on your own, you focus too much on only one body part. When you take a fitness class, you tone your whole body. Even though some classes focus on toning your abs or legs, the instructor usually throws in some extra exercises that help tone your entire body. Whatever class you take, your entire body will benefit from it.

2. Learn exactly how to use the weights

Forget about neck pains or back pains. By taking fitness classes, you will learn how to use the weights and other fitness equipment that a gym has to offer. When you want to do quick and easy exercises on your own you will be able to perform the exercises correctly. Remember the instructor is there to teach so if you have any question, feel free to ask, she or he won’t bite!

3. You are surrounded by people with the same fitness goals

When you take a fitness class, you are surrounded by people with the same goal as you. You know that everybody is there for the same reason and you see the result you want by looking around at other people in the class. Different people take fitness classes. It doesn’t matter whether a person is absolutely fit, everybody is there to exercise!

4. Instructors

An instructor is there to motivate, help, and push. Instructors have different teaching techniques and types, some take the tough instructor position, some take the more passive route, and others simply like to kick-butt. Take a few fitness classes with different instructors and you will know which fitness classes with which instructors you want to take.

5. Great variety of classes

There’s a great variety of classes that a gym has to offer. There are cardio classes to burn fat, yoga classes just to relax, sculpting classes to build the muscle and dance classes to help you get your groove on. With such a great variety, you will never get bored! So take advantage of all of the classes!

6. Meet new people

Group classes are basically personal training, but with great music and a few extra people, and that means there is a good opportunity to meet new friends. One of the best things is that you can motivate each other. Moreover, it’s a great way to meet the love of your life.

7. Upbeat music

Every time I start my day with a fitness class with some upbeat music, it puts me in a really good mood. Some of my favorite artists to listen to during my fitness classes are Swedish House Mafia, Rihanna, and Maroon 5. Start your day with an uplifting workout. It’s a wonderful feeling!
I like taking fitness classes. I might take a sculpting class one day and a dancing class the next. I know that I’m benefiting myself when I’m taking a fitness class. Do you take any fitness classes? Share your thoughts, please!

7 Great Fall Fitness Tips to Help You Reach Your Goals

Looking for some effective fall fitness tips to help you reach your goals? I’ve got some of the best tips for you that really work. As fall begins I’m feeling a renewed and strong sense of myself and I’m constantly trying to find new and amazing ways to rev up my workout routine and achieve new goals. Every one of us needs to have goals in life, because without them we can’t live a happy life. Read on and find out some great fall fitness tips to help you reach your goals.

1. Set a fall goal for yourself

First of all, set a fall goal for yourself such as doing an adventure race, running 5k, or doing a sprint triathlon. Then you should motivate yourself to train every day. Even if you are in a bad mood or the weather is bad, push yourself to get up and get moving. This is one of the best ways to reach your fall fitness goals!

2. Manage your time effectively

All successful people know how to manage their time effectively and they can squeeze exercise, work and all their tasks in their day. If you learn how to manage your time well you will be more productive in every aspect of your life. To manage your time better, come up with a schedule that will help you to become more organized. For instance, you can run at your lunch break. Every second counts, remember it.

3. Get outside for a brisk hike

Going for a brisk hike is one of the best ways to enjoy beautiful fall weather and better your health. There are plenty of local hiking trails to embark on. If you want to challenge yourself, you can even try running up some of these trails. It’s a great challenge, because trail running is not only an awesome way to get into shape and lose weight, it also helps to reduce stress.

4. Take a walk after dinner

After eating your dinner, get out and enjoy a great walk after dinner. A brisk 45-50 minute walk will help you digest your food and burn some extra calories. Enjoy a nice peaceful, cool fall walk.

5. Be safe

As the sun sets earlier and rises later, you may need to adjust to your workout schedule. Safety first! If you work out early in the morning, a reflective vest and a head lamp will help you. Sure, if you can squeeze your exercise in while it is light out, it’s even better.

6. Enjoy the fall weather

There’s nothing like working out in mid-50 degree weather! I think the cool breeze and wonderful smell of fall in the area are so amazing and relaxing that it’s difficult not to get out and enjoy exercising. Take advantage of the perfect workout temperature while it’s possible!

7. Enjoy the foliage

I like when then leaves change color in the fall. I really enjoy it when I’m running, walking, biking or hiking. Fall’s yellow, orange, and red leaves are beautiful and you can enjoy the foliage even more when you’re running or biking, because endorphins make you happier.
Follow these tips and they will help to inspire you and achieve your fall fitness goals! By the way, what is your fitness goal? And what inspires you to work out in the fall season? Please comment below!

10 Incredible Habits That Will Simplify Your Life

There are a few certain habits that can really simplify your life. I believe simpler is better, and that’s why I’m doing my best to get rid of excess stuff in my life. Happiness lies in small, little things, so why make life so complicated? Simplicity reduces heaviness in your life and makes it happier and lighter. Here are ten incredible habits to adopt to make your life simpler and happier.

1. Rid of the clutter

The first habit you should adopt to make your life easier is to rid of all the clutter in your life. Start with you house, then move to your workplace. Make cleaning your house and your office on a regular basis a habit and throw out all the things you don’t use or you don’t need anymore. If these things are still in a great shape, donate them to a charity instead of throwing them away. You’ll feel lighter and have less cleaning to do.

2. Live in the present

Forget about the past and don’t think about the future. Live in the present! Learn how to enjoy the present moment and be thankful for everything you have in your life. If you’re unhappy, depressed, anxious, and you don’t live your life to the fullest, you are living either in the past or in the future. If you’re happy, you’re living in the present. Learn to enjoy the small things in your life and be grateful for them.

3. Plan your whole week in advance

Another important habit that will simplify your life that you should develop is planning your whole week in advance. You can use a daily planner or a calendar to do that. Why is it so important? Because this way you’ll know what you should do and when you should do it and you’ll be more likely to meet all the deadlines. Plus, you won’t feel anxious and stressed and you’ll become more organized.

4. Learn how to say no

If you want to simplify your life it’s vital to learn how to say no. While it’s good to help others, sometimes you can’t or just don’t have the free time to do it. Don’t overwhelm yourself and make sure you don’t take too many tasks and responsibilities. You should never forget to think of yourself too. It’s okay to say no when you really can’t help someone. Don’t feel guilty.

5. Make time for yourself

In our busy world, it’s important to make time for yourself every now and then. Simply disconnect from all electronics and things that cause you stress. You can go to the park or even to the forest and enjoy the beauty of this world. Do this on a regular basis, and you will always feel calmer, relaxed and refreshed.

6. Make lists

Make a habit of writing down everything you have to do and you won’t have to spend a lot of time trying to remember all those things and you will avoid feeling stressed because you cannot remember them. Help yourself, make your lists and simplify your life. It’s so easy!

7. Cook meals in advance

To make your life lighter, develop a habit to cool meals in advance. My schedule is super busy and I don’t have time to cook healthy meals every single day, so when I cook I make 5 servings of what I usually eat, and this helps me to spend less time cooking and I always have something healthy to eat the next day. Put a few portions in your freezer and they’ll come in handy on the day when you won’t have time to cook. If your family is big, this habit is a must for you.

8. Stop trying to be perfect

No one is perfect, and everyone has weaknesses and strengths. You can learn something new and you can improve something, but you will never make anything absolutely perfect. Don’t waste your time worrying about making everything perfect. Perfectionism is never a good thing. Moreover, it can lower your self-esteem.

9. Let go of toxic people

Stop keeping toxic people around you. They don’t make you happy; they make your life more complicated. Just because you want to drop them doesn’t mean you hate them. Think about your well-being and your happiness. Even if you have known your friend for 10 years, but you realize that she is dragging you down, end your friendship and see how far you rise. Letting go of toxic people is a challenging thing, but it will help you live a happier and easier life.

10. Stay thankful

People who are thankful for everything they have in life tend to be healthier and happier. While it’s good to set goals and try your best to achieve them, don’t moan that your friend earns more money than you or your coworker has a luxury home and you can’t afford to buy a small house. Life is unfair at times but complaints won’t help you to become rich or buy that house. Stay thankful for everything you have in life but be sure to reach your (achievable!) goals. Incorporate gratitude in your life starting today and this little habit will help you live a more meaningful life.
Confucius once said, “Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.” Indeed, we often make simple things too complicated. Develop the above habits and enjoy your simpler life. If you know any other good habits that can make life lighter, don’t forget to share them with us

8 Reasons why Lying is a Bad Idea

According to the Hebrew Bible, the ninth of God’s Ten Commandments instructs that no person shall bear false witness against their neighbor. In other words, you shouldn’t lie. All mainstream religions agree that lying is wrong. Sure, you don’t need to have faith in a higher power to understand that telling untruths is both foolish and immoral. There are many logical reasons to avoid telling lies. Here are a few of them:

1. Remembering your lies

How good do you think your memory is? If you tell somebody a lie, you have to be able to remember exactly what you told them. If ever you forget the lie you told, there is a chance that you’ll contradict yourself later on and subsequently get caught. You may even find you need to tell a second lie to avoid being found out for the first one. Telling numerous lies obviously means even more remembering. Before you know it, you may find yourself tangled in an intricate web of drama and deceit. Life is so much simpler when you endeavor to be straightforward and tell the truth.

2. Losing people’s trust

When you get caught lying, people tend to mistrust you from that point forward. If you lie habitually, people will become especially wary of you. There may come a point in time when nobody believes anything you have to say, even though you may actually be telling the truth. When someone mistrusts you, they are unlikely to want to be your friend or have a close relationship with you. Hence, the habitual liar is often a very lonely person.

3. A bad reputation

When people know you for a liar, your reputation is basically ruined. What’s more, it’s human nature to gossip, so news of your lies will quickly spread. Getting caught telling lies is embarrassing, and it makes you look like a light-headed person. You see when you tell a lie, you assume that you won’t be discovered. Hence, you presume that you’re smarter than the people around you. Only a liar underestimates other peoples’ intelligence. Do you really want others to think you’re a moron because of a lie you told?

4. It’s addictive

At first, lying can seem rewarding. When someone swallows a lie you’ve told and you get your own way, it can provide an addictive feeling of power. Because you got away with lying once, you may feel tempted to lie again to see what you can gain from it. Before you know it, you’ve told so many lies that it becomes difficult to remember exactly what you said, and that means extra stress. That’s when you start to realize that lying is the same as anything else addictive. There are negative consequences associated with it. Yet once you become hooked on lying, breaking the pattern can be difficult.

5. Legal ramifications

While telling the odd white lie is unlikely to get you into trouble with the law, more serious lies could. Perhaps you think you’d never tell one of those more serious lies. However, when someone gets into the habit of lying, it usually starts with small lies and slowly escalates. The lies you tell today might not get you into trouble with the law, but what about the bigger lies you may tell in the future?

6. Shattered relationships

How do you feel when you find out that somebody else has been lying to you? Most people feel rather angry when they discover they’ve been lied to. When the person that lied is someone that supposedly loves you, the lies can even cause emotional pain. Many loving relationships between good friends, family members and lovers have been completely ruined because of a lie told by one person to another. Is telling a lie worth the distress that it could cause the people around you? Is it worth losing a relationship that is valuable to you? Do you want the people who care about you today to dislike you tomorrow? These are questions you should seriously consider before telling a lie to someone you love.

7. Self-esteem

Telling a lot of lies doesn’t just have an impact on the way other people see you. It also has a detrimental effect on the way you see yourself. It is difficult to like the person you are when you dislike what you do. The more lies you tell, the less respect you will have for yourself. When you don’t believe in yourself, it’s more difficult to reach personal goals and objectives. It also makes it hard for other people to believe in you.

8. Losing your identity

Telling lies is often a complicated business. People will expect you to reflect the picture you have painted of yourself with the lies you have told. Suppose, for example, that you’ve lied about being wealthy and successful. The people who believed that lie would probably expect you to behave with a little class and decorum. Hence, when you regularly lie about who you are, you may find that you have to play a different part depending on who you are with at the time. Do you really want to live a life that involves playing different characters instead of just being your natural self? If you are constantly acting because of lies you’ve told, it’s easy to lose track of who you were originally.

If telling lies has made your life difficult, perhaps it is time to start telling the truth. Once you start telling the truth, you will find your life starts to become less complicated. Instead of worrying about a certain person discovering the lie you told, you’ll be able to focus on getting on with your life. Do you think lying is bad?

Cancer Women

Cancer women have many unique traits. Although they are known for their unbearable character and vivid emotions, they are very kind-hearted and intelligent. When they give an advice, you can follow it without hesitation. A Cancer woman has a hard time helping herself, but when it comes to someone’s life she is always ready to help regardless of her plans. She is not selfish and always take things personally, which is why most of Cancer women suffer from anxiety and depression. Read on to discover some other awesome traits of a Cancer woman.

1. They never take a revenge

No matter how angry a Cancer woman is, she never takes a revenge. She may think about it, but rarely do it. Yes, it`s easy to hurt her feelings and spoil her mood, but she doesn`t hold any grudge. If you are a Cancer woman, you understand that taking a revenge is just a waste of time and efforts. You try to solve a problem peacefully or simply ignore those who hurt you. This is a valuable trait to love about being a Cancer woman.

2. They avoid gossiping

Cancer women don’t like talking about their life. They avoid discussing their family and relationship problems. It doesn’t mean they are quiet and boring – they just hate gossips. In fact there are lots of people who`d like to develop the same skill but their talkative nature makes it more difficult. Be proud of having this unique yet useful trait that makes you so special.

3. They’re not impulsive

Cancer women are not impulsive but they have a huge number of other positive traits as well that cover their lack of impulsiveness. They are emotional, but never shows their emotions if they don’t have any reason for it. A Cancer woman can’t stand unfairness – once she is in an unfair situation she won’t keep silence and can do many wrong things without thinking about the consequences. This is probably the most obvious reason many people consider Cancer women impulsive, impatient and mean.

4. They’re workaholics

A cancer woman can’t spend her day without doing anything. She works hard all day long and is not afraid of difficult tasks. Moreover, she can do many things that other women fear to do. She won’t spend a day waiting for her man to repair her TV set or fix her water pipe. Most cancer women are successful due to this trait. They are persistent, brave and smart enough to be a leader.

5. They have their own lucky day

Cancer women have a lucky day. It may sound weird but a lucky day for a Cancer woman is Monday – perhaps that’s why they are workaholics. While most people hate Mondays, they feel great this day as they have more chances to catch their luck. If you`re a Cancer and you`re going to do something, try to do that on Monday and see the difference.

6. They are moody

Cancer women are usually prone to frequent and unexpected mood swings. It’s actually one of the worst traits of a Cancer. Even though it may sometimes be annoying, learn to ignore their mood swings, or if you are a Cancer, learn how to control those unpredictable changes of mood. Many guys claim that it’s hard to be in a relationship with a Cancer girl because of her sudden bouts of gloominess.

7. They are predictable

The last but not the least positive trait of Cancer women you probably didn`t know about is a connection between their thoughts and the impression of their face. It`s actually easy to guess what a Cancer is thinking about by looking at their face. When you see them smiling or frowning, you can already know what`s going on in their head and this is a great feature that only these people have.
As you can see there are lots of fabulous facts about Cancer women. Cancer women are wonderful wives, loving mothers and loyal friends. They enjoy cooking and cleaning house. They always get the most out of each day and don’t let others prevent them from being happy. They don’t have many friends – they believe one true friend is better than ten so-called friends. In short, they are all awesome! What other unusual facts about Cancer women do you know?